Community-supported agriculture (CSA) is a way to directly connect farmers to consumers. Customers buy monthly “shares” of a farms harvest and reap the benefits of getting fresh produce directly from the farm to their kitchen. This enables the farmer plan accordingly and know that they have a set number of customers each month to provide to. Barring a disastrous event effecting the harvest the benefits are fresher produce, lower cost fruits and vegetables and access to heirloom varieties that aren’t available in grocery stores. It benefits the local economy as the money spent stays close to home.
Starting in Spring of 2022 Tassel Hill Farms will accept a maximum of 75 monthly re-occurring customers. The cost ranges from $24 to $34 a week depending on share size for our fresh vegetables. We will be growing upwards of 55 vegetable varieties throughout the season. Each week customers will receive an email prior to pick up days with the planned harvest. You will have the option of choice regarding box contents throughout the season.
CSA members make a commitment to support our farm through their annual membership. This commitment ensures the survival of local agriculture by sharing the risk and bounty of the farm. By joining you become an active part of the farm’s success and community. Weather and environment plays a big part in our success and we ask that you join the struggle with us as we farm organically in our challenging environment. Let our farm stock your refrigerator with fresh nutritious veggies for 5 months!